Do You Know A "Difference Maker"?

Happy Holidays!

Give to the world the best you have and the best will come back to you.

~ Madeline Bridges ~

Do You Know A "Difference Maker"?

If you do, then thank them for their contributions. Often, they are the invisible among us. “Difference Makers” come from all backgrounds and operate worldwide.   Like philanthropist, they use their time, talent and treasure to make a difference for others.  One way to say "Thank You" is  with a donation to their respective organization.  At the end of each"Difference Maker" segment below, a link to make a donation or an address to send a check is provided.

From what we get, we can make a living;

what we give, however, makes a life.

~Arthur Ashe~

Linda Brucker, Executive Director

A Legacy of Giving is a local nonprofit that teaches children the value of philanthropy as an integrated part of their school curriculum.  With a vision to ‘Grow a Generation of Givers’, its mission is to empower children to become more engaged in improving their communities and world. During the 2011-2012 school year, the Legacy program partnered with 33 Central Texas schools, reaching 18,457 students from pre-K to 12th grade. For their fall service project, Legacy students used their time, talent and treasure to fill storage PODs on their campuses with canned foods and coats for the less fortunate. Their advocacy resulted in 45,010 lbs. of food donated to the Capital Area Food Bank and 3,266 warm coats for Coats for Kids, delivering an economic value of over $188,600 to their community. Legacy uses the results from the students’ efforts to not only illustrate their ability to impact the community, but also to support their education in mathematics, science, social studies, as well as life lessons on empowerment. A Legacy of Giving believes if children learn to see themselves as philanthropists at the earliest ages, they will continue to be engaged in their communities and offer their gifts of time, treasure, and talent throughout their lifetime. As A Legacy of Giving expands into more Central Texas schools, every donation contributes to growing a generation of givers.

Tim King, President

Urban Prep is a nonprofit organization founded in 2002 by Tim King and a group of African-American education, business and civic leaders. Urban Prep’s mission is to provide a comprehensive, high-quality college preparatory education to young men that results in graduates succeeding in college. We opened our first school - Urban Prep Charter Academy for Young Men, Englewood Campus - in 2006. Urban Prep’s Englewood Campus is the country’s first public charter high school for boys. In 2009, we opened our second school: Urban Prep Charter Academy for Young Men, West Campus. Our third school, Urban Prep Academy for Young Men, Bronzeville Campus opened its doors in the fall of 2010. Urban Prep’s schools are the only all-boys public schools in the state of Illinois. The Urban Prep motto is “We Believe.” Our motto is a constant reminder that Urban Prep students will not fall into the trap of negative stereotypes and low expectations. Instead, Urban Prep students believe in their potential and believe in their ability to exceed that potential. The Urban Prep family (teachers, administrators, staff, board of directors, community members and donors) also believes in these young men, and in our important and long lasting role in their lives. At Urban Prep, We Believe. 100% of Urban Prep’s graduates have been admitted to college.  Click here to learn more and donate

Dr. Judith G. Loredo, Co-Honorary Chair

2012 Rose Gala

San Juan Diego Catholic High School is celebrating 10 years of excellence this year! The school is known as “The School That Works” because students work at entry-level positions in the corporate world to earn a portion of their tuition. Students gain valuable job experience by working one day a week at some of the most prestigious companies in the Austin area. San Juan Diego also offers a rigorous college preparatory curriculum, with many AP classes, to prepare students for college success. Students build impressive resumes that often help them receive college scholarships to the country’s finest universities. The work study program also offsets the cost of tuition, so San Juan Diego can provide an affordable college preparatory education for all families. All tuition at San Juan Diego is based on family income and ability to pay, and no student or family is turned away for financial reasons. Participate in the “Fund-A-Saint” program where you can help one student at San Juan Diego with their tuition at $4,500 a year.A group of very generous supporters has agreed to fund six “Saints” and will match all donations received during the month of December up to $27,000. Help us double the number of “Saints” receiving a college preparatory education!

Board of Directors & Staff

“I Have A Dream”—LA

Board Member, Richard Wolf  (right) and  Chairman, Grant F. Little, III (Center) accepting the 2011 Department of Justice - FBI “Director’s Community Leadership Award” on behalf of “I Have a Dream” Foundation - Los Angeles from Steven M. Martinez, Assistant Director. The “I Have a Dream” Foundation began in 1981 when New York businessman Eugene Lang was invited to address a group of graduating sixth graders at the East Harlem elementary school he attended as a child.  Before he took the podium, he was told that 75% of the children sitting before him would drop out of school before high school graduation. That figure so alarmed him that he offered to pay the college tuition of every student who graduated.  This led to the formation of the Foundation, which has expanded across the country to serve over 15,000 Dreamers. I Have a Dream” Foundation—Los Angeles, founded by the Whittier Family Foundations, has provided over 22 years of service to nearly 1,000 children in Los Angeles County. Classes are chosen from Title 1 schools, where the majority of students meet the federal guidelines for poverty, perform below expectations academically, and typically experience stress and violence in their communities. Current classes of Dreamers include 47 fourth grade and 91 fifth grade students in Inglewood, 149 tenth grade students in Boyle Heights, and 60 students in Pasadena, most of whom are in college. In 2012 another class of Dreamers, our 18th project, will be adopted in Los Angeles. We are now raising the funding, $1.6 million, and we are well on the way to achieving our goal thanks to the support of many generous donors. If you are interested in supporting “I Have a Dream” Foundation – LA, we have provided this link.  

Year-End Tax Preparation

What offers the best tax advantage?  What moves to make before December 31st?  These two questions often guide year-end tax preparation reviews.  Numerous websites offer year-end tax strategies—i.e. American Institute of CPAs’ Tax Saving Strategies For The 2012 Filing System, Kiplinger Personal Finance‘s reading materials and videos, IRS’s Tax Tips For 2011, or CBS’ Get More Money Back Videos.  However, when you say “Thank You” to a “Difference Maker” with a donation to their respective organization, your return is three–fold. The “Thank you” donation (1) shows appreciation for their work, (2) provides a means for their work to continue and (3) provides a non-profit tax write off for you. At the end of each article, a link to make a donation or an address to send a check is provided.  As the “Different Makers” sections document, these organizations have a track record for making a difference.  

Educational Opportunities

You might know some of this information. Available data, however, indicate a lack of applicants. Please share.     Wake Forest University has an opportunity for minority students to attend its M.B.A. program for FREE AND SO FAR THE RESPONSE HAS BEEN VERY POOR.   Please pass along this tremendous opportunity to attend a top graduate school to your friends, families. Contact person: Dr. Derrick S. Boone; E-mail:; Website:; Call:  Toll free (866) 925-3622.      Black Male Teachers needed. Do you know any Black Males who are seniors in high school who want to go to college out of state for FREE? The CALL ME MISTER program offered by 4 historical black colleges in South Carolina, Benedict College, Chaflin University, Morris College and South Carolina State University; Website:; Call:  (800) 640 -2657;    Harvard University is offering free tuition to families of honor students and their income is less than $125,000 per year.   Website: www.fao.fas.harvard.edc/  Call: 617 495-1581;    Syracuse University School Of Architecture is desperately seeking young women and men of color interested in pursuing a 5 yr. professional degree in Architecture. Contact: Mark Robbins, Dean School of Architecture, Call (315) 443-2256, Website:; more information.

Free Resources

Alliance for Community Empowerment (ACE) offers the following services: Mobile Response Team (any age) Gang Awareness (any age) Strengthening Families Course (age 10-14) Leadership Academy (age 12-16) services are offered throughout San Diego and are free, Call 1 800. ACE-9458.    The Urban League of San Diego County offers free Financial Literacy Workshop, First Time Home Buyer Workshop, Review of Documents for Home Loan, Modification or Refinance, Credit and Debt Management Workshop, Identity Theft and Senior Advocate Help. Call (619) 266-6237 for additional information and appointment.   Free tutoring, provided by San Diego County Office of Education – Foster Youth Services Program: Who is eligible: Foster youth in SD County placed in out-of-home care, except foster youth placed in kinship, with relatives. Contact: Sophie Lor, Project Supervisor. (858) 503-2627 or Michelle Bailow, Educational Liaison (858) 503-2639 for more information.    A free pair of eyeglasses from Target for any child ages 12 and under with a valid eyeglass prescription from their doctor. Find stores with optical departments see :

Tech Tips

Good News! The best bargain in town, your public library—depending on size, now has a Virtual Library. You can access everything from eBooks to newspapers for free with your Library card. The Virtual Library is available 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. You can read newspapers and magazines; search for journal articles; find and download eBooks to your eReader, tablet, or computer; and locate authoritative information for your next research paper, business venture, job search, personal project, or just about anything else.    

Less Is More Newsletter

 Less Is More December 2011 PDF DOWNLOAD DOCUMENT

Thank you

My undying gratitude goes to numerous friends, relatives, and associates, especially Dr. Beverly Coleman, Maegan Covelli, Sylvia Denwoodie, Jerry Drew, Paula Delacruz, Lindsay Fairless, Obie Hutchinson, Marie Parker, Kim Robinson, Kristen Skjonsby and Tom Wertheimer for their assistance.  All gave unselfishly of their time and talent.  Their support made the December Newsletter a reality.

~Sylvia Hawkins Little, Ph.D.~



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It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men.

-- Frederick Douglas